The Twelve Days of Christmas
And now for something completely different … a totally original panto with a strong story and well-known title.
The Queen (or King) is to throw a grand Festive Ball for all the villagers and to mark the occasion, a giant advent calendar is built on the Village Green, which has 12 doors to be opened one each day until Christmas. The festivities cannot begin until all the doors are open, but Wizbad, the wicked wizard steals the keys and scatters them all over the world.
Aided by the good Fairy, our characters embark upon a race against time, visiting such diverse locations as South America and Paris in their quest. The final key is retrieved on Christmas Eve, completing the calendar and taking us into the Christmas Ball Finale.
This high-energy story takes us to 6 different countries, one per scene, offering a greater variety of musical styles and costumes than any other pantomime. This concept lends itself particularly well to musical societies or dance-orientated groups, but there is also abundant comedy, dialogue and business to allow the musical content to be scaled down, if desired.
The different locations can be symbolically represented, but also offer endless possibilities for the more ambitious. This very original but traditional-style pantomime is ideal for a pre-Christmas production and guaranteed to keep your cast and audiences on their toes!
Full cast and scenery requirements are listed below
Many productions of this script have won NODA and drama federation awards, including Youth Onstage (NODA “Best Pantomime”)!
"...If you've had it up to here with panto and the usual junk on TV, this thrilling seasonal offering is just the ticket. It has class stamped right through it, imagination, inventiveness and a genuine understanding of what children can absorb and how long they can concentrate. Some scenes were dramatic, others just fun. This is a new concept devised by Alan Frayn, former Director of Entertainment at Alton Towers ... a heart-warming seasonal success." (The Newcastle Journal)

Shorwell Drama Club

Shorwell Drama Club
EXCERPT from Act I Scene 1: The Village of Old Dimpley Bottom © Alan P Frayn
IZZY: | Not long now till Christmas! I know that ‘cos the postman and the dustman have turned ever so friendly! … The only thing I don’t get about Christmas is why they always have it when the shops are so busy! (He suddenly spots Gertie’s bloomers on the Pros DSL.) Hey, look – someone’s left their undies hanging out! |
(He goes to grab them and the audience shouts. IZZY stays facing SL as GERTIE marches on DSR and goes straight to DSL, thanking the audience on her way.) | |
GERTIE: | Thanks for shouting me! (To her suspect:) Now, look here you naughty knicker nicker … |
IZZY: | (Turning to face her) Sorry, Mum! |
GERTIE: | Oh, it’s you, Izzy! Good, ‘cos Suzie’s looking for you. |
SUZIE: | (Entering SL) Hi-ya, Izzy. We got away from the shop early for once. |
IZZY: | That’s great, Suzie – are we going out somewhere tonight? |
GERTIE: | (To Izzy) Isn’t it about time you got yourself a girlfriend? |
SUZIE: | Yes, there are lots of pretty girls in the village you could go out with. |
GERTIE: | I’ll give you a tip. Take a good look at her mother first, ‘cos that’s what she’ll turn into! |
IZZY: | That must be why Suzie hasn’t got a boyfriend, then! |
GERTIE: | Hey, watch it! |
(STAMPIT and KLAMPIT enter SL and go straight to Izzy’s wheelbarrow.) | |
STAMPIT: | I see you’re on the doubles again! |
GERTIE: | What do you mean? I haven’t touched a drop all day! |
KLAMPIT: | No, he means this wheelbarrow’s on double yellow lines! |
STAMPIT: | And it’s got a bald tyre! |
IZZY: | But only yesterday you left me a note complimenting me on my driving skills. |
SUZIE: | Really? What did it say? |
IZZY: | Parking … fine! |
GERTIE GUSSET: | Pantomime Dame, an underwear maker. (Obviously, best played by a man) |
SUZIE: | Gertie’s daughter. (Principal Girl) |
IZZY: | Gertie’s daft son, the village gardener. (Probably male, but could be played by female) |
PRINCE RUPERT: | Typical Prince character. (Can be played by male, or female as Principal Boy) |
Two council “jobsworths” – typical panto-style comedy twosome. (Male and female) |
QUEEN or KING: | Typical Queen/King character. (Female or male) |
SANTA CLAUS: | As obvious. (Male – smaller part) |
Typical good fairy role – the Queen of Christmas tree fairies. (Female) |
WIZBAD: | Our comical bungling baddie. (Male) |
Villagers South Americans London Guardsmen / Street Urchins Parisians / Can-Can Dancers Eskimos Egyptians Irish folk / “Riverdancers” Christmas Ball Guests 3 young Chorus/Dancers also play Leprechauns |
ACT I | |
Prologue: | Christmas Greetings (Front cloth, DS gauze or front of Tabs) |
Scene 1 : | The Village of Old Dimpley Bottom (Full stage village scene with large Christmas tree) |
Scene 2 : | Through the Keyhole? (Front of Tabs or front cloth scene with the giant advent calendar) |
Scene 3 : | Carnival Latino! (Full stage South American scene) |
Scene 4 : | London Is London (Full stage London scene) |
Scene 5 : | C’est Magnifique! (Full stage Parisian scene) |
ACT II | |
Scene 1 : | Land of Ice and Snow (Full stage Arctic scene) |
Scene 2 : | The Mystery of Egypt (Full stage Egyptian scene) |
Scene 3 : | The Luck of the Irish (Full stage Irish scene) |
Scene 4 : | The Key to Success? (Front of Tabs or front cloth) |
Scene 5 : | The Grand Christmas Ball (As Act I Scene 1, possibly with more decorations, bunting or festoon lights) |
Note re Staging: The 6 scenes in different countries can be symbolically represented, using cut-out flats in front of a blue cyc or sky cloth, as per notes in the script. |
"...It is a very refreshing script on a pantomime subject that, in my ken, is new to Alan P Frayn's large canon of titles embracing the majority of the most popular subjects from Cinderella and Aladdin to Mother Goose, Sleeping Beauty and Robinson Crusoe & the Pirates.
Now his latest, exceptionally inventive, work is based on the Twelve Days of Christmas and, as the focus of the show, it should be designed in such a way that the Advent Calendar is the centre-piece of the staging concept.
Mr Frayn introduces his script in considerable detail and, although written in the traditional pantomime format, it is a brand new concept providing a great vehicle for some new scenes, together with more interesting and varied opportunities for Chorus and Dancers than any other published pantomime script.
He is exceptionally punctilious in presenting the content of his new script and we can only regret that in an overview of the new work on offer this year we have not the space to accommodate all the detail that he so efficiently provides. His production notes are succinct and very much to the point, clearly designed to help the director of this new work to derive the maximum benefit from every very diverse scene and character."
“…The Company really enjoyed doing a pantomime about Christmas (rather than a pantomime at Christmas!) and our audiences felt that we had helped them get into the Christmas spirit! Thanks for your support – it's so nice to receive the personal touch.
Our panto was successful,
How they cheered and wanted more,
Much better than the West End,
Or the telly – that's for sure!
So all is well that ends well,
Raise your glass and give a cheer.
We loved your Panto, Alan,
Happy Christmas … and New Year!"
Barking Music & Drama