Beauty and the Beast
Fast-moving and hilarious, this recent pantomime version sets new standards for the famous title.
This inspirational new script brings Beauty & the Beast well and truly into the realm of traditional panto, whilst being packed with originality and comedy to die for!
Many new twists are turned along the way, ensuring a side-splitting and action-packed adventure, together with some dramatic and tender moments. Several imaginative new characters provide added laughter, in addition to an unusual visual comedy scene in the Beauty Parlour, guaranteed to bring the house down!
Belle’s two outrageously common sisters provide rare comedy roles for women and the principals and Chorus remain fully involved throughout the story.
Full cast and scenery requirements are listed below
Many productions of this script have won NODA and drama federation awards, including Kinver Light Operatic Society, The Performing Arts Company, Leighton Buzzard Drama Group, Sleaford Little Theatre, DE Caversmill Theatre Company and The Bolsover Drama Group (all of whom won NODA “Best Pantomime”)!
"...Wow! Beauty & the Beast by Alan P Frayn uses traditional and modern elements to create a wonderful show, fizzing with energy from start to finish. The beast was movingly portrayed and a splendidly traditional Madame Fifi was full of fun and good clean smut!” (Somerset County Gazette)

New Mills AO&DS

Verwood Pantomime Society
EXCERPT from Act I Scene 1: The Village of Franglais-sur-Mer © Alan P Frayn
(WHITNEY and BRITNEY, Belle’s spoilt sisters enter DSR.) | |
WHITNEY: | Guess what – I’ve talked Daddy into paying for us to go the beauty parlour again. |
BRITNEY: | Ooh, what can we have done to make us even more ravishing? |
WHITNEY: | Here come Marcel and Monique from the Salon. Let’s see what they suggest. |
(MARCEL and MONIQUE enter DSL and join the SISTERS DSC.) | |
MARCEL: | Well, if it isn’t our two most adorable clients! (He turns away and heaves!) |
MONIQUE: | Hi-ya, babes! Britney, was that mudpack any good for yer face? |
BRITNEY: | Yes, thanks, Monique. |
WHITNEY: | Yeah – it improved it no end … until the mud fell off! |
BRITNEY: | Very funny! |
MARCEL: | Last time you came in you bought some blackberry body lotion. |
MONIQUE: | Yeah – and our mango moisturiser. |
MARCEL: | So, what can we sell you this week? |
WHITNEY: | How about something to keep the wasps away? |
BRITNEY: | (Calling over to Belle) How about you, Belle? Do you wanna come? |
WHITNEY: | What are you asking her for? |
BRITNEY: | Well, she needs it more than us! |
BELLE: | Oh, no thanks – I prefer the natural look … and Papa really can’t afford it. |
MONIQUE: | Just you two, then. Cool, babes – sorted! |
WHITNEY: | I say, Sis, I hear a new hunk has moved into the village. |
(The FEMALE CHORUS react in excitement.) | |
BRITNEY: | Gustave? Yes – he’s got quite a six pack! |
WHITNEY: | Ooh, good – ‘cos these fellas out here look more like they’ve had a barrel-full! |
(She points to the audience. The SISTERS laugh so much they don’t see GUSTAVE as he swaggers on DSR and approaches them.) | |
GUSTAVE: | Hey there, ladies. (Aside to audience:) And I use the term loosely! |
(The SISTERS stop laughing and suddenly turn to see him. WHITNEY, who is next to GUSTAVE, immediately swoons.) | |
GUSTAVE: | See the effect I have on women? With my looks, I just can’t help it! Watch this. |
(He turns to his right and strikes a “strongman pose”, but comes face to face with MARCEL, who promptly faints! ALL laugh.) | |
GUSTAVE: | (Spotting Belle) Hey, look at her over there! What’s your name, lover girl? |
BELLE: | If you must know, it’s Belle. |
GUSTAVE: | Well, ding dong! … Why, you’re as pretty as Cinderella! |
BRITNEY: | (Trying to get his attention) And what about us? |
WHITNEY: | Yeah – we’re her sisters! |
GUSTAVE: | Cinderella’s sisters, eh? That figures! |
BELLE: | Kind-hearted and innocent. (Principal Girl) |
Belle’s outrageously common sisters, great comedy roles for 2 women. (Female) |
ALPHONSE: | Belle’s father, a jovial scientist. (Male) |
MADAME FIFI: | Pantomime Dame, Alphonse’s housekeeper. (Obviously, best played by a man) |
JACQUES: | Fifi’s daft son. (Male, or can be re-named female) |
GUSTAVE: | Casanova-type “hunk”. (Male) |
PRINCE DANTON: | Typical prince character. (Probably male, but could be played by female as Principal Boy) |
THE BEAST: | Large, fearsome-looking beast. (Male) |
A pair of comical beauticians. (Male and female respectively) |
MONSIEUR LE FOU: | A peculiar man who runs the local lunatic asylum. (Male, or can be re-named female) |
FLORA: | The Spirit of the Rose. (Female) |
BELLADONNA: | A wicked sorceress. (Female) |
CHORUS: | Villagers Sprites of the Forest Magical Feast Characters |
DANCERS: | Featured in musical numbers as desired. Also play the wolves/ghouls of the Forest and perform the optional ultra-violet number. |
Scenes (Notes on simplified scenery are also included in the script)
ACT I | |
Prologue: | Coming up Roses? (Front cloth or front of Tabs, plus roses) |
Scene 1 : | The Village of Franglais-sur-Mer (Full stage village scene) |
Scene 2 : | A Woodland Glade (Half-stage with MS Tabs or cloth) |
Scene 3 : | The Fearsome Forest (Half-stage scene with Castle gates) |
Scene 4 : | The Enchanted Castle (Full stage Castle interior scene) |
Scene 5 : | Meanwhile Near the Village (As Act I Scene 2) |
Scene 6 : | At the Castle Gates (As Act I Scene 3) |
Scene 7 : | A Beastly Banquet (As Act I Scene 4) |
ACT II | |
Scene 1 : | Return to the Village (As Act I Scene 1) |
Scene 2 : | The Plot Thickens (As Act I Scene 2) |
Scene 3 : | The Secrets of the Castle (As Act I Scene 4) |
Scene 4 : | The Beauty Parlour (Half-stage with MS Tabs or cloth) |
Scene 5 : | Outside the Gates Again (As Act I Scene 3) |
Scene 6 : | Back Inside the Castle (As Act I Scene 4) |
Scene 7 : | Gustave’s Gambit (As Act I Scene 2) |
Scene 8 : | The Last Rose of Summer (As Act I Scene 4, or a new Castle courtyard scene) |
Scene 9 : | [Optional] Chanson à Chanter! (Front of Tabs) |
Scene 10 : | Au Revoir! (Probably as Act II Scene 8 or Act I Scene 1) |
“…The all-important factor for me in any panto is always the story, which in this case is straight forward, well written and clear. The script has a good gag rate to keep the titters going and there is room for cameo appearances (the Sisters and Beauticians in particular) to shine through without detracting or overpowering the plot. In all, there are 14 principal roles, enough to keep any group happy.”
The pace rattles through quite briskly, but there’s still room for some traditional scenes, such as the ‘I’m not here’ routine and a trip to the Beauty Salon for the Dame and the comedy Sisters. Plus, of course, an ‘it’s behind you’ scene. It’s not always easy to establish who the baddie is in ‘Beauty’, but here the duties are spread between the Sisters, Gustave and Belladonna, the wicked enchantress. Gustave and the Sisters are suitably punished by ending up with each other!
As well as the music, there are also detailed suggestions and notes to help with the staging. There’s a props list, detailed notes on set design and suggestions on how to build the specialist props – it’s all there to help. No-one is going to say there isn’t enough supportive info here, or that they were left not knowing what to do!
In short, this would be a lively and amusing panto for any group to stage.”