Combining the fairy-tale enchantment of Cinderella with hilarious comedy, this outstanding script has it all!
Big on laughs, but true to form, this imaginative new version has won numerous awards and is, without doubt, one of the most popular panto scripts of this millennium.
Many strong traditional character parts are provided, including a delightful Cinderella, a particularly endearing Buttons and outrageously funny Ugly Sisters! Yet more chaos and laughter ensues when two comic builders, Bodget and Leggett arrive to re-develop Hardship Hall, whilst Hagan the pantomime horse (optional) provides a novel twist.
With loads of originality, audience participation, slapstick routines and traditional business, this superb script also allows much scope for the more ambitious company.
Full cast and scenery requirements are listed below.
Many productions of this script have won NODA and drama federation awards, including DE Caversmill Theatre Company and Godalming Theatre Group (NODA “Best Pantomime”), plus Paignton Pantomime Productions and Oddity Theatre (both of whom won “Best Pantomime” out of the whole NODA South West Region)!
We also offer a version of this script with a Haunted Boudoir Scene for the Ugly Sisters in place of the optional slapstick Decorating Scene, plus another "smaller cast" version without the Broker’s Men. All versions are also available without Hagan the Pantomime Horse. In addition, there is another “potted panto” (one act) version of this script for a cast of 10. For a Reading Copy of any of these alternative versions, click here and select Cinderella and specify the version you require in the message box on the order form.
"...A sense of unabashed fun oozed from every line. The whole production went at a cracking pace and the Ugly Sisters were staggeringly OTT and screamingly effective without being crude or limp-wristed.” (Eastbourne Herald)

Frome Musical Theatre Co

New Mills AO&DS
EXCERPT from Act II Scene 1: The Palace Ballroom © Alan P Frayn
BARONESS: | Where are my two little rosebuds? (Calling:) Gertrude! Grizelda! |
(The SISTERS run to meet the BARONESS DSC.) | |
GERTRUDE: | Yes, Mumsy. Here we are! |
BARONESS: | Oh, Gertrude, you look a million dollars. |
GRIZELDA: | Yeah, in used notes – all green and crinkly! |
BARONESS: | And Grizelda, you look like a film star. |
GERTRUDE: | Yeah, Shrek! |
GRIZELDA: | Just ‘cos you’re jealous! (Preening her hair) What would you give for hair like mine? |
GERTRUDE: | (Pulling Grizelda’s wig off, as if a prank) I don’t know – what did you give for it? |
(GRIZELDA reacts and snatches it back to get it on again as quickly as possible, as all others react and laugh as if this wasn’t meant to happen.) | |
GERTRUDE: | (To Grizelda in a loud whisper) It’s okay, Sis – I don’t think anybody noticed! |
BARONESS: | Stop it, you two! If you start fighting at a “do” like this, you’ll be picked up by the bouncers! |
SISTERS: | (Plumping up their bosoms) Ooooh! |
GRIZELDA: | Hey, Mumsy, we’ve just been for a look around the Palace and guess what – there’s a room where William the Conqueror stayed. |
BARONESS: | William the Conqueror? Are you sure? |
GRIZELDA: | Well, it’s got his initials on the door! (She looks at the audience and waits for them to get the joke.) Oh, the penny’s dropped, has it? |
GERTRUDE: | Yeah – that’s where they practise the “royal wee”, isn’t it? |
BARONESS: | Followed by a royal flush! |
(ALL laugh.) | |
GRIZELDA: | Ooh, I wonder when the dancing’s going to start. I can’t wait to do the bossa nova. |
GERTRUDE: | I thought your party-piece was to do the boss a favour! |
BARONESS: | Never mind that – you’ll soon be able to get working on the Prince. |
GRIZELDA: | Oh, goodie! Come on, Gertrude – let’s get twerking! |
(Possibly to a short burst of suitable music, BOTH SISTERS “twerk” outrageously.) | |
BARONESS: | I said “get working” on the Prince, not get twerking! |
CINDERELLA: | Kind-hearted and innocent. (Principal Girl) |
BUTTONS: | Page-boy at Hardship Hall. (Male) |
BARON HARDUP: | Cinderella’s father. (Male) |
THE BARONESS: | Cinderella’s new stepmother, Rubella. (Female) |
The Ugly Sisters, our outrageously funny Dames. (Obviously, best played by men) |
PRINCE CHARMING: | Typical Prince character. (Usually played by female as Principal Boy, but could be male) |
DANDINI: | The Prince’s Valet. (Male, or could be female) |
A pair of barmy builders. Typical panto-style comedy twosome. (Either can be male or female) |
FAIRY G: | Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. (Female) |
CHAMBERS: | The Lord Chamberlain. (Male – smaller part) |
HAGAN: | A Pantomime Horse. (Optional) |
CHORUS: | Villagers King’s Guards Hunting Party Fairyland Folk Ballroom Guests |
DANCERS: | Featured in musical numbers as desired. |
Scenes (Notes on simplified scenery are also included in the script)
ACT I | |
Prologue: | Fairyland (Front cloth, DS gauze or front of Tabs) |
Scene 1 : | The Village of Stoneybroke (Full stage village scene) |
Scene 2 : | Trading Places (Front of Tabs or front cloth) |
Scene 3 : | The Royal Forest (Full stage woodland scene) |
Scene 4 : | Outside Hardship Hall (Front of Tabs or front cloth) |
Scene 5 : | The Kitchen (Half-stage scene with front cloth or MS Tabs) |
Scene 6 : | The Land of Wishes (Full stage magical fairyland scene) |
ACT II | |
Scene 1 : | The Palace Ballroom (Full stage palace interior scene) |
Scene 2 : | Meanwhile, Outside the Hall Again (As Act I Scene 4) |
Scene 3 : | [Optional] DIY SOS! (Half-stage slapstick decorating scene) |
Scene 4 : | On the Way Home (Front of Tabs or front cloth) |
Scene 5 : | Back in the Village (Full stage, as Act I Scene 1) |
Scene 6 : | An Audience with Buttons (Front of Tabs) |
Scene 7 : | A Final Fond Farewell (Probably as Act II Scene 1) |