Mother Goose
“Eggs-seeding” what you “eggs-pecked”, this very witty script breathes new life into the traditional tale.
Bringing the storyline to the fore, this inspired new version has plenty of pizzazz!
In addition to Mother Goose herself, who portrays a whole range of emotions, there’s madcap comedy from the Squire’s “Barmy Bailiffs”, plus many other strong character roles, including the best “skin part” in the business – Priscilla the Goose. Ample opportunity is also provided for involvement of Chorus and Dancers.
And with abundant audience participation, original business and traditional pantomime fun, it’s certain to keep the entire family entertained. This funny and refreshingly different script provides you with the means to achieve your very own “eggs-trava-gander”!
Full cast and scenery requirements are listed below
Many productions of this script have won NODA and drama federation awards, including Harlequin Pantomime Productions (NODA “Best Pantomime”) and Paignton Pantomime Productions (who won "Best Pantomime" out of the whole NODA South West Region)!
"...Mother Goose was a proper panto – a high-energy night and the audience spent most of it laughing – a sign that it was a rip-roaring success." (Barnsley Chronicle)

Tin Pot Theatre

Tin Pot Theatre
EXCERPT from Act I Scene 1: The Village of Goosingham © Alan P Frayn
(PRISCILLA creeps up behind Mother Goose and playfully pecks or kicks her backside.) | |
M GOOSE: | Ooh, I think I’ve been goosed! (She turns.) Oh, it is a goose! |
(PRISCILLA nuzzles up to her.) | |
M GOOSE: | I say, you’re a very nice goose, aren‘t you? |
(PRISCILLA quacks “Yes” and then preens herself proudly.) | |
M GOOSE: | And you’re a spruce goose too! It’s a pity we can’t take you in. |
(PRISCILLA quacks in surprise and asks “Why?”) | |
M GOOSE: | No, we couldn’t possibly. Just run along home to Peckham, or wherever you’re from. |
(PRISCILLA stamps her foot and quacks in anger.) | |
BILLY: | (To Priscilla) Hey, less of that foul language! (To audience:) “Foul” language – get it? |
(PRISCILLA quacks loudly twice.) | |
M GOOSE: | Quack quack? What does she mean? |
BILLY: | No idea – it’s “double ducks” to me! |
M GOOSE: | Sounds more like “gobble-dee-goose”! |
BILLY: | I think she wants to stay here with us, Mum. |
M GOOSE: | Well she can’t! A goose isn’t just for Christmas, you know! |
BILLY: | (Laughingly) No, you can eat it cold for the rest of the week too! |
(PRISCILLA quacks in protest.) | |
M GOOSE: | Billy! You’re not saying I should cook the goose? |
BILLY: | Well, she’s just goosed the cook! |
MOTHER GOOSE: | Pantomime Dame, a goose farmer. (Obviously, best played by a man) |
JILL: | Mother Goose’s daughter. (Principal Girl) |
BILLY GOSLING: | Mother Goose’s daft son, Silly Billy. (Male) |
THE SQUIRE: | Greedy landlord of the village. (Male) |
COLIN: | The Squire’s nephew. (Can either be played by male, or female as Principal Boy) |
The Squire’s “Barmy Bailiffs”, typical panto-style comedy twosome. (Either can be male or female) |
Evil devil-like character, but slightly comical and tongue‑in-cheek. (Male or female) |
FAIRY FRIENDSHIP: | Typical good fairy character. (Female) |
Full costume character goose, with a duck call. (Can be male or female inside the costume) |
The King of Gooseland, with face exposed (under a “beak hat”) for small speaking part. (Male) |
QUEEN GOOSEGOG: | The Queen of Gooseland, as above. (Female) |
CHORUS: | Villagers, both poor and wealthy Water Nymphs and Goblins of the Magic Pool Ghouls and monsters of the Land of Discontent Citizens of Gooseland |
DANCERS: | Featured in musical numbers as desired. |
ACT I | |
Prologue: | Fairyland (Front of Tabs, front cloth or DS gauze) |
Scene 1 : | The Village of Goosingham (Full stage village scene) |
Scene 2 : | The Plot Thickens (Front of Tabs or front cloth) |
Scene 3 : | The Palace of Golden Eggs (Full stage palace scene) |
Scene 4 : | The Road to Discontent (Front of Tabs or front cloth) |
Scene 5 : | The Magic Pool (Full stage forest scene with “pool” US) |
ACT II | |
Scene 1 : | The Land of Discontent (Full stage Demon’s lair scene) |
Scene 2 : | Nowhere Land (Front of Tabs or front cloth) |
Scene 3 : | Gooseland (Full stage cloudland scene) |
Scene 4 : | On the Way Home (Front of Tabs or front cloth) |
Scene 5 : | Back in the Village (Full stage, as Act I Scene 1) |
Scene 6 : | Never Say Boo to a Goose (Front of Tabs) |
Scene 7 : | Happy Days! (Probably as Act I Scene 3) |